Group Date of this Report
January 16, 2025
Your SCA Name: This Report Covers:
Your Mundane Name: Your Email
Your Seneschal(e)'s Email Other Emails to copy this report (seperate with semicolons)
Your Seneschal(e)'s Mundane Name (First and Last)
Your Membership #: Expiry Date:
Street Address City
State ZIP
Telephone #:
List regular group meetings, including dates, and the summary of the herald’s report given at the meeting. Also list any other meetings that were heraldic in nature but were not classes. 
List any new submissions for the month, updates to previous submissions, and any consultations with clients. 
Please list any classes in the heraldic realm taught in your group, by you or any other person. Also please note any speciality classes you would be interested in.
List events held by the local group, date and location.
-Any awards given in at any event your group sponsered.
-Any awards received by a member of your group at any event.
-List name, award, and date.
-Any other items to be reported, including any questions, or requests for assistance.  
-List any items created with a heraldic aspect; banners, shields,clothing, regalia, etc.